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Q: List of famous scientist and their discoveries?
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List of scientists and their discoveries?

There are hundreds of lists if you go to wikipedia and search for a "list of scientist".

The famous scientist that made discoveries about the motion of the planets around the sun?

Galileo Gallie

What are the 3 was scientist make discoveries?

discoveries, guest, and hypotheses

Name 2 famous scientists?

Archimedes and Aristotle are just a few of them.You can find a whole list of famous scientists by clicking on the link below.Isaac Newton is a famous scientist.

Did Albert Einstein have any discoveries that were related to another famous scientist?

Yes, he invented Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham "Cracker" Bell.

10 Filipino scientist and their discoveries?


Who was one important scientist in discoveries of space?


Who was the most famous Egyptian scientist?

It might be Ahmed Zewail whom I have drawn from the wikipedia list of Egyptian scientists.

What a sentence using the word notable?

The scientist has had some notable discoveries such as...

List of famous filipino scientist and their inventions?

Filipinos are known worldwide for their various inventions in the scientific field. The list of the famous Filipino Scientists include Roberto del Rosario, Eduardo San Juan and Daniel Dingel.

What was Louis Pasteur's discoveries?

He is responsible for MANY discoveries. But the most famous is probably "pasteurization".

How did early scientist and their contributions directly affect the discoveries of later scientists?
