There are hundreds of controlled substances. They are classified into different classes ranging from 1-7. Substances in classes 2-7 have medical use but substances in class 1 (known as a C-I) are street drugs. Marijuana has medical use but is mistakenly classified as a C-I. This sends the image that Marijuana is as harmful as Cocaine or Heroin. This is definitely not true!
1.) List the needed materials. 2.) Plan the variables. 3.) List the procedures.
Radio controlled refers to something that is controlled by remote means via radio frequency, such as radio controlled cars or planes. It is slightly different than remote controlled items which usually have a wire connection.
no the variables cant be controlled.
if the experement can be repeated and the same results made then the experement is controlled if not the experement is not controlled
Element (It IS possible to alter elements by bombarding them with sub atomic particles and attempting to either augment or spilt the nucleus. Some elements are self-altering. These are the radioactive isotopes and they can change to several different elements before reaching their end state.)
A drug that is not on the FDA's list of controlled substances.
No, as far as I can tell it is not a controlled substance (like painkillers, narcotics, etc) list of controlled substances in the US can be found on this DEA page: down on that page; you can download a PDF of the list.
Get a lawyer. There is NO way anyone on the internet is going to be able to help you.
There are literally hundreds. You can look them up on the DEA Schedule I of the controlled substances list.
It has always been classified as a drug. In the US it was added to the list of Controlled Substances in August of 1999.
CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES are man made drugs that cause us to alter brain activity.
The Drug Enforcement Agency (now a division of Homeland Security) maintains a list of controlled substances. Also, there's the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR).
Parenteral controlled substances are controlled medications that are not given by mouth. Typically this means that a controlled substance, such as morphine, is intended to be injected and not given in pill form.
There are 5 schedules that are in the controlled substances act
their potential for abuse and addiction. the different schedules of controlled substances are based on how addicting they are.
No, but it is on the NCAA's list of controlled substances. In a urine test, the NCAA accepts caffeine in levels up to 15 micrograms per milliliter.
Ritalin is listed as a Schedule II drug on the Controlled Substances List (Vyvanse, Adderall, Concerta, etc., are all C-II drugs.