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that depends. changing the shape of glass is physical but if its a glass that can be effected by heat then if can be chemical. i would say its both.

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Q: Is the bending of glass over a flame chemical or physical?
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Why is bending a glass tube a physical change?

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Why should the softened glass be removed first from the flame before bending?

Because if you didn't the glass beaks MUCH easier, and will injure you.

Is breaking glass chemical or physical?

Breaking glass is a physical change, as it does not change the chemical composition of the material.

Breaking glass physical or chemical?


Is breaking glass is a physical or chemical change?

Purely physical.

How do you know that something has been though a physical change clues?

The clue for a physical change is that it only changes in a "physical" way, but it is still the same chemically. Ice melting (still water). Metal bending (still metal). Glass breaking (still glass).

Is breaking glass a chemical property?

No breaking glass is not a chemical reaction, which is what i think you mean. Breaking the glass does not alter the chemical makeup or properties of the glass. Instead breaking glass is a physical reaction because it does alter the size of the glass and its appearance

Is breaking of glass physical or chemical change?

Breaking of glass is a physical change, as the chemical composition of the glass remains the same before and after it breaks. Only the physical state and shape of the glass change.

Is breaking glass chemical or phycial change?

Physical change because the molecules have not changed to form a new substance.

Is blowing glass a chemical property or physical property?

Blowing glass is a physical property because it involves changing the shape or form of the glass without altering its chemical composition.

When glass brakes is it a physical change?

A glass breaking is a physical change because the chemical composition of the glass does not change.

Is shattering a glass a chemical or physical change?

Shattered glass is a physical change because the identity of the glass does not change.