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Temperature is just a quantitative measure. It can be done in different units such as centigrade, Fahrenheit , kelvin etc. Quality can be associated with heat( not often done). Heat is called low grade energy because it cannot be completely converted into work.

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Quantitative. Temperature is a numerical measurement that can be quantified using a scale such as Celsius or Fahrenheit.

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Q: Is the temperature outside 250 degrees is quantitative or qualitative?
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What is an example of a quantitative observation and a qualitative observation?

A quantitative observation involves looking at the numerical aspects and properties of a substance. For instance, there are are 3.0 grams of sodium chloride in this weighboat. A qualitative observation is any observation that involves the qualities outside of the numerical aspects. For example, the sodium chloride is white.

Difference between qualitative and quanitative data?

Qualitative data is descriptive and deals with characteristics, qualities, and attributes, whereas quantitative data deals with numerical values and measurable outcomes. Qualitative data provides insights into the underlying reasons and behaviors, while quantitative data focuses on statistical analysis and measurable patterns.

This morning, the temperature outside was -2 degrees. As the sun began to rise, the temperature warmed up 6 degrees. What was the new temperature outside?

The new temperature outside would be 4 degrees. -2 + 6 = 4.

It is 54 degrees outside the temperature drops 18 degrees what will the temperature outside?

Still 54 degrees if the 18 degree drop is inside!

If the temperature is 95 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

35 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature inside a house is 25 degrees Celsius and the outside temperature is -6 degrees Celsius how much higher is the temperature inside the house?

The temperature inside the house is 31 degrees higher than the outside temperature.

If the temperature is 65 outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

The conversion to degrees Celsius... 18.3

If the temperature is 79 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?

79F = 26.1C

If temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees celsius?

65 degrees Fahrenheit = 18.3 degrees Celsius.

If outside temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?

60 degrees Fahrenheit = 15.5 degrees Celsius.

If the temperature is 65 Fahrenheit outside what is the temperature in degrees Celsius?

65 degrees Fahrenheit = 18.3 degrees Celsius.