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No, it can cause a cold though depending on how long one were to stand or sit in the rain.

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Q: Is rainwater could cause fever
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Could an allergy be causing my fever"?

Yes, an allergy could potentially cause a fever as part of an allergic reaction.

Can fever cause uterine contractions?

Yes, the fever could cause some contractions but it is very unlikely that it will cause you to go into labor. You should call your physician if you have a fever and are pregnant.?æ

Can a broken bone give you a fever?

The break itself would not cause a fever but an infection as a result of the break could lead to a fever.

Are hot tubs therapeutic for someone with a fever?

No. If you have a fever you should not get into a hot tub. It could cause a rise in your body temperature and that could be dangerous.

Can Q fever cause atrial fibrillation?

Yes, it could. It would be seen in the chronic form of Q fever.

Could bed bug bites cause scarlet fever?

no,but it will get itch

Could leukemia cause a continual high temperature in an 8 year old boy?

Yes leukemia can cause fever. It also predisposes the patient to infections which can also cause fever.

When rainwater slows down is it a effect or cause?

I think it is a cause

Could you inform me on gutter cleaning?

Gutters are installed on your house to divert rainwater. If gutters get clogged up with leaves and debris, the rainwater could flow into your basement or cause damage to your house front. You should aim to have your gutters cleared once or twice a year.

Of what use is curbing in urban areas?

Curbs are used mainly to control the flow of rainwater. By passing the rainwater to the sides of the roads and into drainage. This prevents the road from getting large amounts of water accumulated on it, which could cause accidents.

Is it possible that a night of drinking could cause such severe dehydration as to manifest a fever the following day?

I have never heard of dehydration manifesting itself as a fever.

Why could water be standing in one part of floorboard of Honda?

If you left the vent open, or if the vent under the windshield is full of leaves, it could cause rainwater to flow into the floorboard.