

Is radioactive bad

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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too much is very's used for cancer, which is safe, though.

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Q: Is radioactive bad
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Why is urainum bad?

It's not necessarily bad, just very radioactive and easily used to make bombs.

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As a radioactive element with a short half life astatine is dangerous.

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It is highly radioactive (that is the waste contained in the spent fuel)

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Uranium is toxic, radioactive, can be used for weapons.

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Good. It is interesting Bad: Risk for exposure to radioactive materials

Is uranium bad for humans?

uranium is a radioactive substance which can cause mutations in cell while potassium is non radioactive. in fact it is required in our body for transmission of nerve

What is bad about radioactive things?

the gamma and beta radiations which can cause cell mutation and radiation poisoning

What is the symbolism of a radioactive tattoo?

It all depends on the person getting it. I plan on getting this and to me it means that I contain radioactive thoughts. Or that I am a toxic person; I have done my wrongs and have bad habits, therefore they may be passed on.

How bad is uranium 233?

Uranium-233 is not bad ! It is an important nuclear fuel . And also can be used in nuclear weapons.But it is radioactive and toxic as all uranium isotopes.

Why is uranium bad for humans and potassium not?

Uranium is bad for humans because it is radioactive and can cause harmful effects to human health, such as increased risk of cancer. Potassium, on the other hand, is an essential mineral that is necessary for various bodily functions, such as muscle contractions and nerve function, when consumed in appropriate amounts.

Can nuclear energy waste be bad for children?

Yes, nuclear energy waste can be harmful to children if they are exposed to radioactive materials. Radioactive waste can cause serious health problems such as cancer, birth defects, and other health issues if proper precautions are not taken to prevent exposure.