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pine is not good ans it is a softwood and will burn too fast and coat the flue with creosote.

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Q: Is pine good to burn in a fireplace?
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Is Pine good to burn in fireplace?

pine is not good ans it is a softwood and will burn too fast and coat the flue with creosote.

Can you make pine burn in fireplace?

Is there anything can appy to make pine wood burn in the fire place

Is bougainvillea ok to burn in a fireplace?

It is better to burn only untreated hardwoods (pine, oak, mesquite) in your fireplace. Others leave residues or release unwanted chemicals.

Is birch wood good to burn in a fireplace?

quite good to burn indeed!

Is pine good wood to burn in a fireplace?

Pine will make great kindling- to light the fire. However, it will burn very quickly, produce few coals for long lasting heat, and produces a lot of creosote that will need to be cleaned from your chimney. It would be a good idea to keep a little dry pine for kindling, but find a good hardwood such as oak, ash, or hickory for your main fuel wood.

Is coal good to burn in fireplace?

of course dum head

Is pine wood toxin in a fireplace?

Is it toxic? No- no more than any other wood- but pine will burn very quickly, and produce high levels of creosote in the chimney.

Is it safe to burn a fire in a mobile home fireplace?

Yes, if you have a fireplace designed for a mobile home, and it is in good condition.

Is mountain laurel a good wood to burn in a fireplace?

No, it's very poisonous.

Is weeping willow a good wood to burn in a fireplace?

no. It is very harsh. fire.

Can you burn Sugargum wood in a fireplace?

Yes, you can burn Sugar Gum wood in a fireplace. It is a dense hardwood with good heat output and long-lasting burn times, making it suitable for heating. Make sure the wood is seasoned properly to prevent excessive smoke and creosote buildup in the chimney.

Can you burn apple wood in a fireplace?

Yes, you can burn apple wood in a fireplace. It generates very little smoke and hotter than normal firewood. It is a good heat output with a small visible flame and ideal for wood-fire. It is a safely and efficiently burned in fireplace.