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It's because the water molecules in hot water are charged with thermal energy, making them fly about all over the place. The molecules move slower in cold water, because they lack the energy to go any faster.

In short, hot water is closer to being a gas than cold water, and cold water is closer to being a solid than hot water.

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12y ago

A volume of water placed in a sealed container will weigh the same at all temperatures.

However, the density of water increases as it cools. Therefor a fixed volume of water taken and weighed when the water is 100 degrees C will weigh less than the same fixed volume of water taken and weighed when the water is 4 degrees C.

Below 4 degrees C water begins to expand (lose density) as it begins to form ice (which ofcause floats on water) and this would mean that the fixed volume of Ice water would weigh less than the fixed volume of hot water.

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12y ago

Water of a lesser temperature does not have molecules that vibrate as much as warmer water. It thus takes up less room and yet keeps the same mass and so is denser. Mixed with warmer water, the cooler water will tend to sink.

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12y ago

bcoz cold water has no vapours n hot water has hot water vapours which dries faster n bcomes lighter than cold water

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