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Q: Is it normal to experiment
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Is it normal to go through a stage of being gay but come out of it?

No, but it is normal to experiment with the same gender.

What is the name of the group with normal conditions in a controlled experiment?

The Control Group

Why a normal glass can be broke by heating it with a physical experiment?

uneven thermal expansion

Why do you have controls in an experiment?

The controls shows the normal state of affairs, so as to allow a comparison with the experiment results, and to help ascertain that the results obtained were due to the factors tested in the experiment, and not a natural occurence/incidence. Having controls in an experiment can thus be said to validate the experiment itself.

What is a control group in an experiment and why do we use them in experiments?

A control group is the normal condition of whatever it is we're experimenting on, and we use them to see if the experiment is doing what we want it to.

What is the part of a experiment that has the most natural conditions possible?

The control part of an experiment is usually the part that does not include any changes from the normal situation and has known and predictable results.

What is an anova test?

An ANOVA is an analysis of the variation present in an experiment. It is a test of the hypothesis that the variation in an experiment is no greater than that due to normal variation of individuals' characteristics and error in their measurement.

What is an example of a group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What is a example of a group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What is an example of a control group?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.

What happen to animals once an experiment is complete?

It depends on the experiment and the animal. Sometimes the animal becomes incapable to lead a Normal life so scientists perform mercy killing. especially lab rats.

What is an example of an control groups?

A control group is a group in an experiment that is under normal conditions. If one was testing out fertilizer, the control group would be a plant with just normal dirt.Read more: What_is_an_example_of_a_control_group