Yes, it is much stronger. Duck Tape can be removed, but Gorilla Glue probably needs some more work to do so.
gorrilla glue or depending on how big the hole is just try duck tape ANS 2 -Silicone is best.
Wood glue, superglue and liquid glue Sticky tape and masking tape
Glue dots are very similar to tape. They are used in scrapbooking to attach pictures and embellishments to the paper. They are about a quarter inch in diameter.
Duct tape , because it has sticky chemicals in it . if scotch tape gets wet it will fall off!
The Gorilla Glue company in Cincinatti.
Gorilla tape is made by the makers of Gorilla Glue and is currently being used by those in the skate boarding world as a proven substitute for duct tape.
I use in order glue, super glue, gorilla glue, the tape, masking tape, and then finally duckt tape. If that doesn't work your screwed ;-P
gorilla grip tape ( home depot)
you have to cut the window and use glue and duck tape to hold it
You can probably use fevicol or super glue!!
No Thailand do not make duck tape. Most duck tape products is from China.
Depends on what kind of duck tape.
Duck tape can do anything! The only thing I can think that it can't do is make more duck tape.
Well all you need is a cardboard box,duck tape,cutting tool like sizer,paint,and black felt You need to cut the box in to the size belt you want then cut out the gold part for the belt paint it gold.Take the duck tape and go over the cardboard(not the gold part) you can get cool types of duck tape or just use felt.If you use felt you need glue glue the felt on.You can put Velcro on the back.
no it is not they are totally different kinds of tape. duck tape tape is much stronger that electric tape.