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It's not too bad but you do have to be a clever-clocks to be able to do some of the things they do

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Q: Is forensic scientist a good career?
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How many people have the career as a forensic scientist?


What career does a blood spatter expert fall under?

That would be a forensic scientist.

What are the differences between a forensic scientist and a CSI forensic scientist?

A Forensic Scientist and A Csi Forensic scientist are the same there is no change in what you do. The only change is where you work.

What is good about becoming a forensic scientist?

u get a life

Is forensic science a good career?

well sorta

How do you become a forensic scientist or a forensic anthropolgist?

To become a forensic scientist, you typically need a bachelor's degree in forensic science or a related field, followed by on-the-job training or an internship. Additional certifications or a master's degree may also be beneficial. For a career as a forensic anthropologist, you usually need a doctoral degree in anthropology with a specialization in forensic anthropology. Field and lab experience, as well as certification, are highly recommended for this specialization.

What personal skills do you need to become a forensic scientist?

You need to do chemistry university and have good grade.You usually take a test wich qualifys you to work as a forensic scientist...

Who is a forensic scientist?

A forensic scientist is someone that study's blood and blood spatters

What is a daily routine for a forensic scientist?

Watcg NCIS and abby is the forensic scientist

Who studies Forensic Science?

A Forensic Scientist.

What will your career look likein the future as a forensic scientist in?

As a forensic scientist, your future career will likely involve advancements in technology and techniques used for analyzing evidence. You may also specialize in a specific area of forensic science, such as DNA analysis or digital forensics. Continuous learning and staying up-to-date with advancements in the field will be crucial for success.

What is the possible career for forensic science?

forensic scientist, you could (with a few extra years of tertiary education) become a school teacher or even take your degree to a pHd level and become a professor