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Deodorant soap may be"better" for people for whom body odor is an issue and the odor-reducing effects of deodorant soaps may last longer, especially if the soap is also antibacterial.

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Q: Is deodorant soap better than regular soap?
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Do steam showers work better than regular showers?

Stem showers haver theirs cons and pros, but if you know how to use appropriately they are better than regular showers. Because the stem will get rid of the dirt more effectivly than just worm water.

Is antibacterial soap better than ordinary soap?

Antibacterial soaps are okay, the purpose of cleaning our hands keeps illnesses that spread at bay more successfully. The other side of the coin is that these soaps usually kill 99.9% of the bacteria, leaving some bacteria behind which then thrives. (In most cases it is best not to kill 99.9% because what stays behind is usually stronger than the bacteria killed. There are many good bacteria that we need in our environments as well, so when you wipe out 99.9% that includes good bacteria.They are same as regular soap.

Does antibacterial soap kill more than non-bacterial soap?

yes antibacterial soap kills more gems than non antibacterial soap

Does the steam mop clean up better than a regular mop?

Although mopping may take a bit longer when using a steam mop, it will clean better than a regular mop. A steam mop will kill germs and dust mites when held in place for a few seconds. A regular mop does not do this.

What is the difference between a commercial power generator and a regular power generator?

The difference between a commercial power generator and a regular power generator is that a commercial one is much expensive than the regular one. It's much better to purchase the regular generator if your not planning to use it for business purposes.

Related questions

Is antibacterial soap more affective than regular soap?

yes because antibacterial soap kills 99.9% of germs and regular soap has less than that.

Is milled soap better than regular soap?

Milled soap is typically denser and longer-lasting than regular soap because it has been processed to remove excess water and air. This can result in a richer lather and a smoother texture when compared to some regular soaps. Ultimately, the choice between milled and regular soap comes down to personal preference and skin type.

Is antibacterial soap better than regular soap?

Supposedly, yes, but antibacterial soap has to stay on your hands for at least a minute. If it doesn't, it will only kill the weaker bacteria and still leave the worst germs on your skin.

Which soap cleans a dish better dawn or palmolive?

I think Dawn soap cleans better than Palmolive soap.

What is a good substitue for deoderant if you are at school and don't have any?

Try washing under your arms if you don't have deodorant. It is not as good, but it is better than nothing. Take a paper towel and soap. Wipe of the soap. Do not rinse. Soap kills the bacteria that causes odor. Shave under your arms. That does not let sweat build up and does not let bacteria build up.

Which soap is better for pimples and blackheads honey soap or aveeno soap?

its none other than dove

Is handsanitizer better than soap?

more or less hs kills germes and soap cleans

Can women use mens deodorant?

Yes, women can use men's deodorant. Deodorants are formulated to be effective for both men and women, and personal preference plays a big role in choosing a deodorant. If a woman prefers the scent or effectiveness of a men's deodorant, there is no harm in using it.

Is soap better than hand sanitizer?

The CDC reports that soap and water does a better job at removing germs, but a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol makes sense to use if soap and water are not available. If your hands are visibly dirty or greasy,

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because cubed anything is better than regular

Soap from dove?

well dove is really better for the skin because of the moisturiser in it. so its better than johnsons soap thx for asking elizabeth

Does dove soap clean better than johnsons soap?

hello there that is an exellent question but actually dove liquid soap works better than any bar or liquid soap because bar soap doesnt use all the chemicals they use in it and dove has moisturiser in itthank you for asking that question sincernilyElizabeth C