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Yes and no. Anthracite coal, as mined in eastern Pennsylvania, is a harder coal and less suitable for heating. But, the coal in the geological "Pittsburgh seam" of bituminous coal, which is a soft coal, is an excellent source for heat. Bituminous coal supplied the primary heat source for homes and businesses from the early-mid 1800s to 1960s-1980s, in addition to wood and paper. The coal and coke made from bituminous coal generated heat that steel mills and factories needed. The Bituminous seam covers southwest Pennsylvania, western West Virginia, parts of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana--e.g., it is a huge meandering vein stretching across those areas.

However, unfortunately, coal is a fossil fuel. It generates "dirty" heat and smoke, pollutes the air, contributes to respiratory diseases, etc. Fossil Fuels are thought to be part of the cause of global warming, especially from factories. In addition, older homes that used coal furnaces STILL have a grayish cast to outdoor siding or paint; even 50 years after coal furnaces were converted to natural gas, the inside walls and old carpeting retain coal dust. This coal dust can affect the tiny copper wires used in landline telephone outlets, causing green corrosion and it shorts out the wire. These homes, still in use, have the potential to cause respiratory symptoms, Allergies, or disease to residents. Plus, when coal furnaces were converted to natural gas or electric furnaces, the homeowners saved money by leaving the old ductwork, pipes, and registers in place. These are coated on the inside with coal dust-- so each year when a person starts their furnace, coal dust is expelled into the rooms. You can't see it--but it is there. The coal dust will remain in these homes until they are dilapidated and torn down--perhaps in another 50 years.

Source for this information: Family members were coal miners. I grew up in the bituminous coal mining area and in a house with a coal furnace, as were also in all relatives' and neighbors' homes. I've researched quite a bit about bituminous coal and coal mining. I also live in a house that once had a coal furnace converted to natural gas.

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Q: Is coal a good source for heat?
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Yes, coal can be burned to produce heat. It releases energy in the form of heat when it is combusted, making it a common source of heat in furnaces and power plants.

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The good about coal is that it is a source of energy while the bad is that it pollutes air.

Is coal a source of energy?

Yes, coal is a fossil fuel and a source of energy. When burned, coal releases heat energy that can be used to generate electricity in power plants. However, its use contributes to air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

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Coal is a good thing and also a bad thing coal can help train move and the bad thing is the smell of coal is really bad for your heath

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Not sure if this will answer your question, but I'll give it a shot. It's less about the fact that is is coal and more about the fact that coal gives off heat. When coal was first being used as a heat source, it was cheaper than wood and there was a lot of it. So really the origin of the energy is in the heat that the coal generates when on fire and less about the coal itself.

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Coal is a good fuel: 1. Cheaper then other fuels. 2. Coal provides a stable source of energy. 3.It provides many jobs for people such as transporting the coal. 4.Coal can be burned and mined without making a huge impact to the environment.

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Nuclear energy is used as a source of heat. The heat from the reactor is used to heat up water and the steam moves a turbine that generates electricity. It's the same principal with a coal power plant, only the source of heat is different.

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