No. But it is what you think will happen to the expiriment e.g. "I think the balloon will pop when I stick a pin in it." Someone else might have a different hypothesis "I think the balloon will not pop when I stick a pin in it" So basically its what you think will happen, hope that helps!
You can take a balloon and rub it on your hair and there will be a force of static electricity, and it will pull your hair to the balloon. That's really all i know about what to do with a balloon, but im sure you can look it up somewhere else.
Because the air has nowhere else to go, so it goes into the balloon and makes it expand. because when the small balloon is being pressured it causes it to stretches to make space for the air
In is used when you are stating yourself or someone else is inside of something, for Example, "My friend and I were IN the room", On is used when you want to state that yourself or someone else was on top of something, for example, "I Was standing ON the table."
A dare is something that you do voluntarily. So, by voluntarily kissing someone else, you have cheated.
they are kissing someone else
You need ton confront the person you were kissing (if you were in fact kissing them) & ask them if they are dating someone else; if they are, leave them alone. If they're not, tell them that someone (don't mention names) told you that they were dating someone & you just wanted to ask for reassurance.
You don't
It is wrong because it hurts the person you are with. You are betraying them by kissing someone else. You are picking someone else over them and it hurts their feelings.
You should consider moving on and finding someone else or wait till they break up and then talk about it.
It means you've caught a cold. Maybe from the one you've been kissing, maybe from somewhere else.
Ask someone else.
Only if you do not have a boyfriend at the time of kissing someone else.
could be because she dose not like it or cause she is blowing off someone else and laughs about it in bed with someone else. Who knows the answer to such questions.
No, If Your Dating Somebody And Have A Crush On Someone Else Its Not Cheating If Your Kissing Them Or Dating Them At the Same Time That Is Cheating.