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No. A scientific theory is a proven set of rules describing reality. The "everyday" usage of the word is what a scientist would call a hypothesis, and others would call an unsubstantiated guess.

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Q: Is an every day theory and a scientific theory the same?
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How do you define theory?

In the general, every day sense of the word a theory is a supposition, a hunch or a speculation. It is unproven.A Scientific Theory is completely different from an every day theory. A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis that has been supported with repeated testing and with facts that can be observed and/or measured. With that support a hypothesis moves to the next step in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon. Facts are the framework for the scientific method and a Scientific Theory is supported by facts.

What importance does the scientific method have to do in our everyday lives?

The scientific method helps us come up with solutions to our every day lives.

Can scientific knowledge change over time?

Scientific knowledge changes every day. Research is constantly in progress and new information is discovered all the time.

How is a scientific theory differ from general theory?

Scientific theories are explanations of natural phenomena based on observation and experiment. Current theories represent the best possible explanation given the most current information but are not meant to be the final explanation. The best, most reliable theories withstand the test of time and new discoveries, such as the Einstein's theory of general relativity or Darwin's theory of evolution. New discoveries may add to the detail of these theories or confirm their reliability in describing the phenomenal world, but no discovery so far has shown either of these theories to be false. The best theories also lead to testable predictions which either confirm or falsify the validity of the theory.General theory, or theory as used in every day language, more often describes a guess or conjecture and is closer to the scientific idea of a hypothesis.

Explain how scientific theory can change?

it can change by any time or any day because new things happen everyday in life or literally on earth

Related questions

How do you define theory?

In the general, every day sense of the word a theory is a supposition, a hunch or a speculation. It is unproven.A Scientific Theory is completely different from an every day theory. A scientific theory summarizes a hypothesis that has been supported with repeated testing and with facts that can be observed and/or measured. With that support a hypothesis moves to the next step in the scientific method and becomes accepted as a valid explanation of a phenomenon. Facts are the framework for the scientific method and a Scientific Theory is supported by facts.

How is the meaning of theory in science different from the every day use of the term?

The everyday use of "theory" implies opinion or generalization such as expressing a "theory" about O.J. Simpson and the murder he was tried for. On the other hand, "theory" in science is the strongest statement that can be made based on years of investigation, lengthy discussion, and a finalization among the overall scientific community. The Theory of Evolution is a scientific example.

When was Every Day the Same Dream created?

Every Day the Same Dream was created in 2009.

When was Every Day Is Exactly the Same created?

Every Day Is Exactly the Same was created in 2005.

Was there a missing day in history?

There is a theory that is always controversial about a missing day in history. The religious people believe there was a missing day but there is no scientific way to prove this.

Why are the prayers in Islam different every day?

hi, no it is the same every day, 5 times a day.

Do you have to put NuvaRing in at the same time every time?

No, you only need to insert NuvaRing on the same day of the week every time, not the same time of day.

How tall is the CN Tower every day?

The CN Tower is the same height every day.

What importance does the scientific method have to do in our everyday lives?

The scientific method helps us come up with solutions to our every day lives.

What actors and actresses appeared in Every Day the Same - 2010?

The cast of Every Day the Same - 2010 includes: Sasha Zoumadakis as Grace

What is it called when you use scientific discoveries to solve every day problems?

It is called "Engineering".

Willy started a job on Sunday and gets every ninth day off and Wilma started the very next day which is Monday and gets every sixth day off so when will they have a day off on the same day?

NEVER ! If they'd both started on the same day, they would have the same day off every 36 days. BUT - since they started one day apart their day off will never be on the same day !