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No. A theory is a hypothesis that has been proven time and time again, with every piece of evidence poiting to its correctness. A myth is a story, often from long ago, taht attempts to explain a phenomenon in spiritual or, well, mythological ways.

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Q: Is a theory a myth
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How is Darwin's theory and evolution fit in with the flood myth?

I answered a question like this earlier. It does not. What flood myth? There are many of them and none of them have anything to do with the theory of evolution by natural selection.

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Jill Conway has written: 'Metaphors of society' -- subject(s): Knowledge, Theory of, Metaphor, Religion and science, Theory of Knowledge 'Myth and national culture' -- subject(s): Culture, Structural analysis, Mythology, Myth

Is that true that the govenor planned the Oklahoma bombing And That George Bush Planned The Twin Tower's Bomb..?

NO, that is a myth and a conspiracy theory.

When did the genesis theory come about?

The Genesis theory, which proposes that life originated from a divine creator as described in religious texts, has ancient roots and is a key belief in various religious traditions. However, it gained prominence in the modern era as a response to scientific theories of evolution and the Big Bang. The exact timeframe for when this theory emerged is difficult to pinpoint due to its deep historical and cultural significance.

Is creationism a myth or a theory?

Creationism is a belief system that asserts that the universe and living beings originate from specific acts of divine creation. From a scientific perspective, creationism is considered a myth rather than a theory because it lacks empirical evidence and does not adhere to the scientific method of investigation and naturalistic explanations.

What are examples of debunking?

There are so many examples of debunking like refuting a theory in science. This is the process through which a myth is revealed to be untrue.

How is Darwin's theory and evolution alike with the flood myth?

Darwin's theory of evolution proposes that species change and adapt over time through natural selection. The flood myth in various cultures often depicts a catastrophic event leading to the destruction of life and subsequent renewal. Both involve the concept of change, adaptation, and survival in response to dramatic environmental conditions.