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A scientific theory is not the same as a scientific law because a law is already proved and used but theories can be changed by other scientists is the view of a 13 year old girl.

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Q: Is a scientific theory the same as a scientific law?
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A scientific law is the same as a theory.?

A scientific theory is not the same as a scientific law because a law is already proved and used but theories can be changed by other scientists is the view of a 13 year old girl.

How wold you distinguish a scientific theory form a scientific law?

They're the same thing, but (usually) the "law" has an equation associated with it, while the "theory" is just a (verbal) discription.

What is the difference a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation of some natural phenomenon. A scientific law is a succinct statement of some aspect of a scientific theory.

What is the difference a scientific theory and scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation of some natural phenomenon. A scientific law is a succinct statement of some aspect of a scientific theory.

What is the difference between a scientific theory and scientific law?

Scientific theory is a well supported by evidence set of principles that explain and predict natural phenomenon. A scientific law explains what some phenomenon does scientifically and under the same conditions.

What the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?

Scientific theory is a well supported by evidence set of principles that explain and predict natural phenomenon. A scientific law explains what some phenomenon does scientifically and under the same conditions.

How is a scientific law unlike unlike a scientific theory?

scientific law is unlike a scientific theory in a sense that its the next step above a scientific theory.A scientific law is one that has been proven, a scientific theory has not been proven yet.

Does a scientific law become a scientific theory?

A theory, when proven over time, can become a law. Example: Law of Gravity and Theory of Evolution

How are scientific theories and scientific laws the same?

a theory is explaining how something works, is made or happens and a law is what you can and cant do.

How does a scientific law and a scientific theory relate?

A theory explains how something works - a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.

A scientific law eventually becomes a scientific theory?


Can a scientific law become a scientific theory?

You're playing with words ... a "law" is just a thumb nail description of a theory.