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Inference is not a fact. It is an action performed in thinking about what you know.

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Q: Is a inference a fact
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What are facts about inference?

There are no fact about inference. It is something that is implied but not stated directly.

What are Facts about an inference?

There are no fact about inference. It is something that is implied but not stated directly.

What is inference and observation?

Observation is stating a given fact that has nothing to do with your opinion. In contrast to that an inference is when you make an assumptions based on your INTERPRETATION of a fact.

What must be a fact an observation or an inference?

A observation

Is the statement you are trying to hurt me a fact or inference?

The statement "you are trying to hurt me" is an inference. It is an interpretation or conclusion drawn from behavior or communication, rather than an objectively verifiable fact.

The class was boring is that an inference or a fact?

When you claim that a class was boring it is your personal opinion and not a fact.

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How do scientist use fact and inference to determine a situation?

dwyane wade

Difference between inference and fact?

A fact is something that can be proven by observation from cause to effect. An inference is something that is inferred, or implied, by the existence of two conditions. For example: my dog is asleep; my dog farted; I inver that my dog must only fart when he is asleep.

What is the difference between an inference and fact?

The difference between an inference and a fact is that an inference is generally something which is worked out or deduced from other factual information (but can also relate to something being suggested, although in this case I think the original definition applies), whereas a fact is something which is known to be a true piece of information, without necessarily relying on other information to support this.

How not to use an inference?

Don't use it as a definite fact or as an explicitly-stated thing.

What is the difference between hypothesis and inference?

A hypothesis is a statement of fact or belief upon which further conclusions can be drawn. An inference is the meaning that I attribute to someone else's statement or action.