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advances in the knowledge of human body systems and disease

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Q: In the areas of science did ancient Indians make advances?
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How did the Greek culture influence the development of the Roman civilization?

Romans absorbed ideas from them, and because of it, made great advances in law, literature, engineering, art, architecture, technology, science, along with many other areas.

What areas of science and medicinedid the ancient Egyptians study?

they studied plants and herbs in medicine for remedies

What is culture areas?

an advanced culture where people have developed cities, farming, science and industries; examples are Aztecs, Incas, ancient Egypt, ancient Rome and ancient Greece. :):)

What is the concept of Scientific America?

"Scientific America is a science magazine that provides a non-technical summary of popular areas of research, discoveries and advances in certain fields of research."

Was the great ancient scientist who study all the areas in science?

You are probably thinking of Aristotle, who was at one time considered the greatest authority on all types of natural science.

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Cameralism refers to an ancient German science of administration. It was composed of three areas: public finance, Oeconomie and Polizei.

Which ancient greek person is most closely associated with science?

Hermes, the messenger god, was also the god of science and invention. Hephaestus, and Athene also covered some areas of science and invention.

Height of Greek City-States?

In ancient times, the height of Greek civilization occurred during the period between 500 and 350 B.C.E. At this time, Athens, among other Greek city-states, made remarkable advances in art, science, politics, philosophy, and other areas of human thought and life.

What are some of the areas of science?

The areas of science are Chemistry, Biology, Astronomy, and Earth Science.

Can you give examples of areas in which advances in genetics are important?

this is not good

What are the branches of pol sci?

Political science is the study of how governments operate and the reasons why they are successful or not. Their are no formal areas of political science, however, in fact, one can create them, based on the situation. Political science can focus on political theory, political history and geo-politics. These are just a sampling. A political scientist can study ancient forms of government, such as the republic of ancient Rome, or the democracy of ancient Athens.

Describ the advances in the areas of chemistry botany in India during iron age?

During the Iron Age in India, advances in chemistry included the development of metallurgy techniques to create iron tools and weapons. In botany, there was a growing understanding of plant species used for medicinal purposes and agriculture. Overall, these advances contributed to the technological and agricultural progress in ancient India during the Iron Age.