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That really depends on the type of plant, but basically any part that makes a seed is a reproductive part:

In flowering plants (i.e. those that produce flowers) the reproductive parts are the flowers and the fruits.

In plants like those that make pine cones, the pine cones are the reproductive organs.

Some plants have spores like the ferns for example.

Other plants reproduce through budding or segmentation(this means that a part of the plant breaks off and a whole new plant grows out of it). If this is the case then the entire plant can be seen as a reproductive organ.

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16y ago
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13y ago

(it wouldn't let me upload the pic but look up a 'flower diagram' and follow along)

Since angiosperms (flowering plants) are the most abundant on earth I will answer this question in relation to them. The non flowering plants can get sort of tricky (and the flowers are pretty to look at anyway!)

So, depending on your plant, some flowers will have male parts, some will have female parts, and some will have both!

On the flower below it is easy to see both the male and female parts.

Male Parts: The Anther is the usually yellowy/ orange fuzzy looking oval on the end of a long stem called a filament. The Anther + Filament = Stamen. This stamen is the Male part of the flower. The pollen is made and released from the anther (that's why its yellowy/ orange, that's the color of pollen!) It is not pictured, but the pollen is very interesting as well. Imagine the outline of Mickey Mouse's head- He has his big face, then his two smaller ears up on top. Well, that's what a pollen looks like, Mickey's ears are the sperms (2 sperm per pollen) and Mickey's face is food for the sperms to survive as long as possible.

Female Parts: In the center of the pretty yellow flower below you will find the Stigma, style and ovary. When pollen lands on the stigma (it has a sticky substance to hold onto the pollen) the pollen will actually grow a long tube all the way down through the stigma, all the way down the style, around the ovary, and will enter the ovary through the bottom (towards the plant, through a hole called a micropyle). When the sperms from the pollen get into the ovary they can pollenate the ovules (eggs) that are inside.

Up at the beginning of my answer, I mentioned how some flowers might only be male or female- not both. Well, those flowers look very similair to this yellow flower, except the males do not have Stigma, Style or Ovary- and the Females do not have Stamens.

Now- go find a flower and see if you can name all of the parts!

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15y ago

the reproductive system in a plant is called photsynthesis.

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15y ago

in the female part of the flower.THE FLOWER.


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15y ago

In the flowers. They are Stamen and Pistols.

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10y ago

The flower is the center for reproduction in most plants. Specifically, the stamen produces the pollen, and the pistil accepts the pollen and carries it to the ovum.

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15y ago

pistil and stamen I believe.

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13y ago

In the flower, generally.

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13y ago

Usually between the two lower limbs

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Q: In a plant were would the reproductive organs be found?
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