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We normally use only 10 to 20 percent of our minds. Think how different your life would be if you could utilize that other 80 to 90 percent known as the subconscious mind.

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Q: If you use 10 percent of your brain why do you have the other 90 percent?
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What percent of your brain is used for senses?

Approximately 20% of the brain is dedicated to processing sensory information from the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell). This part of the brain includes areas such as the visual cortex, auditory cortex, and somatosensory cortex, which are responsible for integrating and interpreting sensory inputs. The rest of the brain is involved in various functions such as cognition, memory, and motor control.

What percent of the brain do you use?

Only about 10%.

How much percent does your brain use when you read?

100%. Its a myth that we only use 10%. If we only used 10% we would be brain dead.

Should your mind be in use more than 10 percent?

It is, The 10% use of the mind/brain is a myth.

You use only 4 percent of your brain what is the job of the rest 96 percent?

I suspect we use all of our brain, or most of it. The 4 percent, or 10 percent, is a figure somebody mentioned and that was widely repeated, without any evidence, I think.I suspect we use all of our brain, or most of it. The 4 percent, or 10 percent, is a figure somebody mentioned and that was widely repeated, without any evidence, I think.I suspect we use all of our brain, or most of it. The 4 percent, or 10 percent, is a figure somebody mentioned and that was widely repeated, without any evidence, I think.I suspect we use all of our brain, or most of it. The 4 percent, or 10 percent, is a figure somebody mentioned and that was widely repeated, without any evidence, I think.

How much percent did albert Einstein of his brain use?

about 10%

Do you use just ten percent of your brain?

No, people use 100% of their brains. It is a common myth that we only use 10% of our brains.

Why is your brain soft?

Your brain is soft because 10 percent of it is fat.

Is true that you only use 10 percent of your brain?

No. That's completely false. We take advantage of 100% of our brain with both conscious and subconscious activities.

Do you really use ten percent of your brain?

You use 10% at any one time, but most of it is used at some point in your life.

Why can't we access the other side of our brain.?

According to a survey from 2013, around 65 percent of Americans believe that we only use 10 percent of our brain. But this is just a myth, according to an interview with neurologist Barry Gordon in Scientific American. He explained that the majority of the brain is almost always active.

How much percentage of brain is used?

There is a wide-spread myth that humans only use 10% of their brain. While no hard percentage has been published, studies of the brain and imaging technology reveal that almost all of the human brain is being used at any given time.