Resonance can occur in any solid material where the frequency of oscillation in the material is equal to the natural frequency of the material.
The most likely time of year for thunderstorms is late spring through the summer. They can occur at any time of the year if the conditions are right.
If it is a glass, or a test tube, make sure you tell a teacher or report it to any member of staff and make sure no one goes near it, as it could be toxic. Once you have told someone you should very carfully clear it up. I hope this helps!!
The bimetallic overload protector is mounted in series with the motor windings. Should the current in the motor windings increase to a dangerous value, the heat developed by the passage of the current through the protector will cause it to open. This breaks the circuit to the motor windings and stops the motor before any damage can occur.
Tornadoes usually occur in spring and early summer while hurricanes usually occur in summer and early fall. However, tornadoes can occur at any time of year, and out of season hurricanes have occurred as well.
It depends on where the injury is and how severe it is. Before working out with any injury you should talk to your physician or trainer.
if any injury's occurs during a lab infestation how should it be handled?
accidents can happen at any time and place . they are dangerous as they cause injury to people . accidents occur due to carelessness .
Untrained people should not use guns or any other dangerous tool as unintentional injury may occur to the user or others around them
Most personal injury attorneys have a set fee. They generally only handle cases that fall under tort law even though they are trained to handle any type of law.
Secondary OA results from chronic or sudden injury to a joint. It can occur in any joint.
There are no "best" places for spinal cord injury. Any injury to the spine has negative results. The most severe injuries and more common ones occur within the lower spinal columns.
Leave any repair of the SRS to an expert. Serious injury can occur.
I have never accidentally stepped on a dog. If such a situation were to occur, it is important to immediately check on the dog for any signs of injury and seek veterinary care if necessary. Apologizing to the dog's owner and taking responsibility for the accident is also important.
You don't check anything. The SRS is not a component that any novice should attempt to repair. Take it to a professional. Serious injury can occur when messing with the SRS.
Following a shoulder injury, any exercises should be discussed with your doctor beforehand. Sometimes if your injury has not healed properly, exercises can actually make the injury worse. Your doctor should be able to advise you which exercises will be safe considering your injury.