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Q: Hypotheses are typically expressed as theories or predictions?
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Scientist routinely make and attempt to confirm them by testing one or more alternative hypotheses?


What is the importance of theories hypotheses operational definitions and replication and psychology?

Theories provide frameworks for understanding and explaining phenomena in psychology. Hypotheses are specific predictions derived from theories that can be tested through research. Operational definitions define how variables are measured or manipulated in a study. Replication is crucial for confirming the reliability and validity of research findings in psychology.

The following statements are true about hypotheses and theories except?

Hypotheses and theories are proven to be true.

Why are hypotheses important in psychology?

Hypotheses help to guide and focus research efforts, providing clear predictions to test and refine theories in psychology. They also facilitate the systematic investigation of theories and contribute to the development of knowledge in the field. By testing hypotheses, psychologists can draw conclusions about the relationships between variables and make informed decisions about interventions or treatments.

How do competing theories and hypotheses advance science?

Researchers are rarely unbiased in their pursuit of science, striving to "prove" their ideas correct leads to improved methods and better science. Unequivocal or unambiguous empirical data often serves to settle debates regarding conflicting and competing hypotheses. The best theories produce the most accurate data and lead to the best predictions.

What are the advantages of the deductive approach?

The deductive approach is advantageous because it allows for precise predictions and strong conclusions based on established theories or hypotheses. It provides a structured framework for testing and confirming established knowledge. Additionally, it helps in identifying inconsistencies or errors in existing theories.

What are the products of scientific inquiry?

Verifiable hypotheses and theories.

What makes theories important in social psychology research?

Theories are important in social psychology research because they provide a framework for organizing and explaining phenomena. They help researchers make predictions, test hypotheses, and guide their research methods. Theories in social psychology also help to advance knowledge and understanding of human behavior in social contexts.

What would I have to do to turn a hypothesis into a law?

A scientific law is a description of observed phenomena that repeat (i.e. not a one-time event). A hypothesis seeks to explain the law. Hypotheses that are able to demonstrate the ability to make predictions about the law may become a theory. Hypotheses and theories attempt to explain laws, not the other way around.

Why are theories used?

Scientific theories enable scientists to make accurate predictions about new situations.

What is something that shows how variables are related?

relationship between hypotheses and theories

How are hypotheses related to theories?

Because they are later answered by real tests