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the man was irrisistable because of his pretty,small face

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Q: How would you use irresistible in a sentence ten words long?
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How long does it have to be in order for a sentence?

it has to be three words long

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A topic sentence should be at least 6-10 words.

Can you give a sentence using the words long drive?

it was a long drive

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This is a sentence that is twelve words long that's about today. Date 12/12/2012.

What is the shortest sentence using a phrasal verb according with the number of words?

I assume it would simply be the phrasal verb itself with a capital and period at the beginning and end. That would form an imperative sentence with the subject being understood. Therefore, all those sentences would be two words long.

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How long did you want the sentence to be? The frog was a competitor in the Animal Olympics long jump event. Frogs can jump long distances.

How do you use hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia in a sentence?

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is a noun meaning fear of long words. This will also be your sentence since I don't wish to type that word again. Example sentence: My friend has hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia.

How do you write a long sentence?

by using a bunch or a lot of words

How long is a sentence?

All a sentence has to have to make it a sentence is a subject and a verb. For example, "She ran." would be a complete sentence. 'She' is the subject and 'ran' is the verb. But a sentence can be as long as the writer wants it to be. The longest sentence I've personally ever seen was about 3/4 of a page long. There's no limit to how long a sentence can be, really, as long as it's a well-written sentence.

How would you use the word online with ten words in a sentence?

"Everything we know about the internet and being online is about to change." Oh is that too long, I'm sorry.

What is a sentence that is twelve words long?

I can't possibly count that high; you might have to help me.

What are the examples of long and short sentences?

An example of a very short sentence (vss) would be: Have you seen it? or How are you? Basically a vss should be five or less words. An exapmle of a very long sentence would be: Two very kind,polite girls were pulling a their dog in a red wagon to the community park, but stopped to talk to their friends. Hope this helped!