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Q: How would you do ordinary things without electricity?
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Can you thingk of things that we would not be able to do without using electricity?

Some things we would not be able to do without using electricity include charging electronic devices, using appliances like refrigerators and stoves, and powering lighting and heating systems. Many modern conveniences and necessities rely on electricity to function.

Can you think of things that we would not able to do without using electricity?

Some things we would not be able to do without using electricity include powering electronic devices, using electronic transportation such as electric cars, and operating many modern appliances like refrigerators and electric stoves.

Why is electricity important for your town or city?

Without electricity Humans would struggle to live. Humans have become so dependent on electricity that if we run out Some might struggle to do basic things. But If you think about it more deeply. humans adapt quickly as we think for other alternative solutions. For example if we run out of electricity that we get from coal and fossil fuels. Humans would probably switch to solar powered things. (hope this makes sense)

How would a school be without electricity?

that would be it would be dark

Can electricity save lives?

Electricity runs hospitals. Without electricity, almost all life saving machines wouldn't be able to work. Electricity also runs monitors, X-ray machines, and many other things, that millions would die with out them.

How can electricity save lives?

Electricity runs hospitals. Without electricity, almost all life saving machines wouldn't be able to work. Electricity also runs monitors, X-ray machines, and many other things, that millions would die with out them.

What is the superlative and comparative word of ordinary?

Comparative is comparing between 2 things and is done by adding "more" in front of the word. The superlative is comparing 3+ things and is achieved by adding "most" in front of the word. The comparative form of ordinary would be "more ordinary" and the superlative would be "most ordinary".

What would the world be without electricity i need to write a speech on this so paragraphs please and examples of what life would be like wothout electricity?

Electricity has been a cornerstone of technology for the last 120+ years. Without electricity many common things that individuals take for granted wouldn't exist - including: refridgeration, mass transport, computers, telephones, and many other daily use items.

What is the significance of electricity?

== == Take a piece of paper and go through your house and make a note of everything that uses or runs on electricity. Now sit down and try to imagine what your life would be like without all of those things. That is the significance of electricity.

How would an automobile work without electricity?

if it is a diesel

Were is electricity used?

Electricity is used almost everywhere in advanced countries. Modern life would be impossible without electricity.

What would the world be without electricity you need to write a speech on this so paragraphs please and examples of what life would be like wothout electricity?

We are unable to provide praragraphs on what the world would be like without electricity. However, it would very much affect normal life as we use electricity in everyday life.