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His obstinate attitude led to the failure of his marriage.

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Q: How to use obstinate in a sentence?
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How do you use 'as obstinate' in a sentence?

She was as obstinate as a mule and refused to change her mind.

What is a sentence for obstinate?

We asked Lilly to do her homework. But, she was obstinate and argued saying, "No!"

How do you put obstinate in a sentence?

Obstinate, as in stubborn: She was obstinate about her political position, and would not change her opinion very easily.

Obstinate in a sentence?

Despite numerous attempts to convince him otherwise, he remained obstinate in his decision to quit his job.

How do you you use the word obstinate in a sentence?

My son was such an obstinate child, I'm glad to say he's grown out of it now.I tried to convince her to change her mind, but she was obstinate.he was obstinate to accept our opinion during dicussionsShe was obstinate to the high tariffs.Stubborn

Can you write a sentence using the word obstinate?

He is such an obstinate person; it's almost impossible to make him change his mind.

Sentence with obstinate?

He is very obstinate person whenever i try to tell something he never listens to me and finally he got a problem.

What is the root word for obstinate?

Obstinate means firmly sticking to a purpose or opinion; refusing to be swayed by any argument.An example of the word 'obstinate' in a sentence:'The young child was refusing to get out of bed and get prepared for school despite her mother's repeated urges, displaying very obstinate and naughty behaviour.'People who are obstinate are STUBBORN.

A sentence with implacable?

The obstinate donkey was so implacable he just would not stop.

What is a sentence for implacable?

Best Answer The obstinate donkey was so implacable he just would not stop

A sentence for obstinate?

when multiple instruments are played over one anothor creating an osbstinate

Samples of sentences using the word obstinate?

He is so obstinate about his ideas. We are not that much Obstinate.