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Coins are minted by impressing a design into a piece of metal.

I hardly noticed her yesterday, but she sure is impressing me now!

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Q: How to use impressing in a sentence?
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How to you use impressing in a sentence?

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She completed the project with alacritous speed, impressing everyone with her efficiency and dedication.

When was Impressing the Czar created?

Impressing the Czar was created in 1988.

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A doctor uses the word impression in his reports.

How do you use the disgusting in a sentence?

I'm sorry for the wrong things that I've done on that day .I should have not spoken to you rudely, sorry for hurting ur mother , when I got to know that I really felt bad about me. It is not like impressing message whatever. I just wann say sorry to your mother. That's it…

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