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Q: How the extern variable are defined?
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What value is assigned to extern variable?

Default initial value of extern integral type variable is zero otherwise null.

How do you access extern variable in c?

The usual method: with its name: extern int errno; errno= 17;

What is external variable in c language?

The "extern" declaration in C is to indicate the existence of, and the type of, a global variable or function. A global variable, or a global function, is one that is available to all C modules (a single C module is typically a single .c file). An extern is something that is defined externally to the current module. In many cases, you can leave off the extern qualifier and not notice any difference because the linker can collapse multiple definitions to one. But the intent is then unclear in the code, and the code is error prone in case of typos. It is much clearer to define the global in one place, and then declare extern references to it in all the other places. When refering to globals provided by a library, especially a shared library, this is even more important in order to ensure you are talking about the correct, common instance of the variable. Declaring a variable as extern will result in your program not reserving any memory for the variable in the scope that it was declared. For instance (as example) if a program's source code declared the variable var as a global volatile int in foo.c, to properly use it in bar.c you would declare it as extern volatile int var. It is also not uncommon to find function prototypes declared as extern. A good C manual will certainly answer this more completely.

What is the function of keyword extern?

The extern keyword declares a variable or function and specifies that it has external linkage (its name is visible from files other than the one in which it's defined). When modifying a variable, extern specifies that the variable has static duration (it is allocated when the program begins and deallocated when the program ends). The variable or function may be defined in another source file, or later in the same file. Declarations of variables and functions at file scope are external by default. In C++, when used with a string, extern specifies that the linkage conventions of another language are being used for the declarator(s). C functions and data can be accessed only if they are previously declared as having C linkage. However, they must be defined in a separately compiled translation unit. Microsoft C++ supports the strings "C" and "C++" in the string-literal field. All of the standard include files use the extern "C" syntax to allow the run-time library functions to be used in C++ programs. If you find this info useful Please vote!!!

How do you write a program to illustrate the concept of extern variable?

In order to use extern you have to have at least two files. In first one, let's call it file1.cpp, you will define a variable using extern (in this case belongs to int):...extern int myVar = 0;...Then in file2.cpp file where you have main() you need to write following:extern int myVar;Do not initialize the variable in file2.cpp, or you code will not compile.

Can you use extern and static together?

Storage classes are used to indicate duration and scope of a variable or identifier. Duration indicates the life span of a variable. Scope indicates the visibility of the variable. The static storage class is used to declare an identifier that is a local variable either to a function or a file and that exists and retains its value after control passes from where it was declared. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. A variable declared of this class retains its value from one call of the function to the next. The scope is local. A variable is known only by the function it is declared within or if declared globally in a file, it is known or seen only by the functions within that file. This storage class guarantees that declaration of the variable also initializes the variable to zero or all bits off. The extern storage class is used to declare a global variable that will be known to the functions in a file and capable of being known to all functions in a program. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. Any variable of this class retains its value until changed by another assignment. The scope is global. A variable can be known or seen by all functions within a program.

What is Variable declaration and variable initialization?

...are important things in programming. Example: extern int variable; /* declaration */ int variable= 8; /* definition with initialization */

What is extern C used for?

extern specifies that the variable is in another file.say you have a variable(int k = 10) in mycpp1.cpp and you want to use it in mycpp2.cpp use the extern to redeclare the variable and use it.Example:Code://mycpp1.cppint k = 10;Code://mycpp2.cppextern int k;void function(void){cout

Is possible define a structure with extern keyword?

extern is used only when there is a variable or a function name. so here's what you can do, typedef struct{ int data; }my_struct; extern my_struct my_new_struct; Compilers takes this as a *type*.

What is meant by the storage class of a variable?

auto, extern, static, register, typedef (only formally)

Difference between int a and extern int a. why the first one is definition while the second is declaration please explain?

The declaration 'int a' both declares the variable of 'a' and allocates memory for it. When you use 'extern' you are referring to a variable called 'a' that has its memory allocated in another module. The actual variable 'a' is not in the same compilation unit as the current one being compiled. Where the variable 'a' is located is resolved by the linker. When using 'extern' you state your intent to use a variable called 'a', but it doesn't reserve any memory for it in the current module.

What is the difference between global variable and extern variable?

Global variables are non-local variables. That is, variables that are not defined in a function or class. They are globally accessible to all code in the same translation unit. External variables are global variables that have external linkage; they are accessible across translation units.