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How may water be renewed

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Crawford Rodriguez

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Q: How may stored water be renewed?
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How may water be renewed?

How may water be renewed

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How can hydroelectric be renewed?

Hydro power uses the potential energy of water stored at high altittude, and the water is renewed by rainfall after the Sun's heat evaporates the ocean, forming clouds that travel over the mountains and release their water.

How can hydroelectric power be renewed?

Hydro power uses the potential energy of water stored at high altittude, and the water is renewed by rainfall after the Sun's heat evaporates the ocean, forming clouds that travel over the mountains and release their water.

How can water power be renewed?

Water power is renewed naturally by the water cycle.

How is water or wind energy renewed?

Water and wind energy are renewed through natural processes. Water energy is renewed through the water cycle, where water evaporates from oceans and lakes, forms clouds, and then falls back to the earth as rain or snow. Wind energy is renewed through the uneven heating of the earth's surface, which creates air movement that we harness as wind power.

How may this stored water be renewed?

The hydrologic, or water, cycle is one of the essential cycles for maintaining life on Earth. The stages of the hydrologic cycle describe the processes by which water moves from the surface of the planet into the atmosphere and back again, ensuring that water supplies are renewed. The regular movement of water on Earth is affected by many factors, which can lead to patterns of flooding and drought.The hydrologic cycle begins as water on the Earth's surface evaporates from a liquid state to a gaseous one under high heat. This evaporated moisture rises into the atmosphere, where it condenses on small particles, forming clouds and fog. When a saturation point is reached, these water particles fall from the atmosphere, returning to the ground as precipitation -- rain, sleet or snow.

What is the process by which the earths water resources are renewed?

Water cycle

Is hydrogen energy easily renewed?

Yes hydrogen can be easily renewed by separating it from water or extracting it from gasoline

Can elements with variable valency can be stored in water?

Yes, elements with variable valency can be stored in water. However, the reactivity of the element will determine how stable it is in water. Some elements may react with water to form oxides or hydroxides, while others may remain stable. It is important to consider the specific properties of the element in question when storing it in water.

Which process are freshwater resources renewed?

The water cycle

Where is water stored first?

water is first stored in the sea