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The standard number of regeneration cycles for a time lord is limited to 12 times (meaning 13 bodies). However it is possible for Time Lords to be granted extra regenerations. There is evidence the regeneration limit was something externally imposed by the Time Lords, and therefore may not exist anymore now that Gallifrey is gone.

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Q: How many times can The Doctor regenerate?
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How many times can a Timelord regenerate?

A Timelord can regenerate 12 times and have 13 bodies, the 13th time instead of regenerating he is supposed to die.

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He will regenerate into the 12th Doctor.

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He'll regenerate into the 13th Doctor.

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The fourth Doctor fell off a bridge.

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Eventually yes, he will regenerate into the twelfth Doctor.

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Romana was another Time Lord, like the Doctor.

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Peter Davison.

When does the Tenth Doctor regenerate?

In the movie, The End Of Time.

Why does the Doctor regenerate?

Time Lords regenerate because they have a injury or something is wrong, it's their way of healing themselves.

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It is unknown, the Eighth Doctor only appeared in a movie.

How many times can Doctor Who regenerate?

He has regenerated 12 times in total and is currently in his 13th incarnation - even though he (and we) only recognize 11 regenerations into another "Doctor" as the so-called Dark-Doctor (between Doctors 8 and 9) is a destroyer, not a healer, so he is not thought of as one of the official incarnations that can be called "The Doctor." The current Doctor known to fans as "12" is played by Peter Capaldi, who previously appeared in series 4 as a guest star. While It should be noted that in the series four finale of the revived series, "Journey's End", an injured Tenth Doctor manages to avert a full regeneration by channeling "excess regenerative energy" into his severed hand, allowing him to heal without changing form, this is not considered a regeneration as the doctor never changed his DNA. It was more of a healing.

Is Matt Smith the last doctor?

No. A timelord can regenerate 12 times, Matt Smith is only the 11th doctor. Also the master got around the whole 12 regenerations thing so I would hope that the doctor will too.