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A glass, in this context, is normally regarded as half a pint. Which is 10 fluid ounces in imperial measure and 8 fluid ounces in the US. That would equate to about 284 millilitres or about 237 millilitres depending on what system you use.

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Q: How many ml is equivalent in 1 glass of calamansi juice?
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well I'm studing that and here is your answer Since it is fluid, it takes the form of the object in which it is contained. Many fluids exist; even glass, though it appears solid, is a fluid

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How many calories are in a glass of lemon water?

Lemon juice doesn't burn calories if you drink it.

How many minutes should you wait before brushing your teeth after drinking a glass of apple juice?

you should wait an hour, to enable the enamel to harden, as the sugar and acid in the juice will loosen the enamel if you brush straight away.

A 2-l bottle of apple juice is used to filled 3 glasses. Each glass holds 300ml. How many milliliters are left in the bottle?

1,100 ml

How many calories are in a glass of Fruta Vida juice?

Fruta Vida juice contains 15 calories per fluid ounce. It is recommended that a serving size should be between 1 and 3 ounces, therefore there are 15 to 45 calories per serving.

How many calories in a glass of fresh fruit juice?

That depends on the type of fruit juice. For example, is it store-bought or fresh fruit juice and what type of fruit is it made from. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail. .

How many calories in large glass of tomato juice?

51 Calories for a half a pint Don't go drinking too much or it will get to you! ;) Do the math, if it is 51 calories for half a pint, what will a whole pint be?? 103 you dumb a s s wow you are dumb you sperm juice