12 fluid ounces is 354.882 (355) mL
.12 US fluid ounces = 3.54882356 ml
12 US fluid ounces = 354.88 ml
12 UK oz = 341 mL12 US oz = 355 mL
12 US fluid ounces = 354.88 ml
1 Imperial fluid oz is 28.4131 mL 1 US fluid oz is 29.5735 mL
355 mL equates to approximately 12 fluid ounces.
236.588237 ml ==
Five mL = about 0.169 fluid ounces.
For approximations in cooking measurements, use 1 fluid ounce = 30 mL.(12 mL) / ( 30 mL/ounce) = 4/10 fluid ounces = 0.4 fluid ounces (approximate within 1.5 percent of actual value = 0.405768 fl oz)
There are approximately 355 millilitres in 12 fluid ounces.