Science fantasy is science fiction that contains elements of fantasy. An example of this would be Star Wars, which contains fantasy elements in the form of the Jedi, the Force, etc.
two elements, carbon and oxygen
Someone said it was 4, but don't take my word for it.
All of the elements in the periodic table
Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in a star.
Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements in a star.
You would expect to find them in both.
After a star explodes in a supernova, it can leave behind various elements depending on its mass. Elements up to iron are formed during the star's life, while heavier elements like gold and uranium can be produced during the explosion. The remnants of the explosion can include elements like oxygen, carbon, silicon, and heavier elements depending on the stellar life cycle.
What elements the star is made of.
The elements do not die. The stars collapse into dense dwarf or neutron stars. But many explode as novae and the elements are scattered into space. This is the dust from which the next generation of planets are born.
Denser elements in a star tend to condense near the star's core, while less dense elements generally move outward towards the surface to take place in nuclear fusion.
By looking at the lines in a star's spectrum of light, astronomers can tell what kinds of elements the star is made of. This happens because when a beam of light hits an atom or molecule, that atom absorbs a characteristic wavelength (color) of visible light. Scientists have made a huge list of different elements and the different patterns of lines observed in theirj corresponding "spectra" (fancy word for light spectrums), and by using such lists can deduce precisely what each star is made of.
New elements - helium always, heavier elements often (up to iron) and heavier than that if the star explodes.
The two main elements found in stars are hydrogen and helium. These elements are the most abundant in stars and are essential for nuclear fusion reactions that power a star's energy generation.