A year is an amount of time, you can't kill time with an earthquake. You can only kill time (btw, time doesn't make any noise when it dies) by wasting it. Do absolutley nothing for a year and you will have "killed a year of time" but earthquakes have nothing to do with time especially since you never know when one will just show up.
Surface Waves.
floods happen all the time it is consistently flooding around the world
Scientific laws describe things that happen the same way every time. Gravity, foe example is a scientific law because, no matter how many times you jump into the air, you will always come back down.
Every 7 seconds a child dies.
5,110,000 Gallons a year!!!
Earhtquakes can happen any time, any where. There is never a set date.
Nobody knows how many earthquakes can happen in a year because you cannot predict earthquakes. :)
55 earthquakes happen in the world. small ones though.
Yes they do if you ask how many earthquakes happen each day.
Too many to list. Even in the UK there will be around 100 very minor earthquakes every day!
On average, there are about 500,000 detectable earthquakes in the world each year, with about 100,000 of those able to be felt. In the United States specifically, there are usually around 20,000 to 30,000 earthquakes each year, most of them small.
On average, more than 10 earthquakes less than 4.5 (Richter Scale) happen on a daily basis.Also, 5 earthquakes greater than or equal to 6.5 in magnitude occur every 4 years.Finally, an earthquake with magnitude greater than or equal to 7.5 is expected every 10 years.
About 100 to 1,000
yes there are earthequakes occuring every single minute or even every couple of seconds ,there are earthquakes that you can't even feel and probably wont even know about which do not cause any damage , however there are earthquakes that are average wich cause a bit of damage .Also earthquakes such as the one that occured in japan a couple of years ago cause hell lot of damage as you probably would know ,but dont worry as them earthquakes dont happen often.
On average, there are about 15,000 to 20,000 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or higher each year worldwide. Strong earthquakes, typically those above magnitude 7.0, occur less frequently, with around 100 to 150 per year.
Earthquakes (big and small) happen so many times a day, it is impossible to put a number on it.