The heart of a skate is a one way tube. The skate's tubal heart is divided into the typical four chambers.
O.K. except that the blood pressure falls. Fluid is retained (by the kidneys) to increase total body fluid - and thus veinus pressure, which injects extra fluid into the heart, thus compensating for the failure to empty the chambers normally.
In the lub-dub version of heart sound, dub is caused by the back rush of blood against a closed aortic or pulmonary valve.
It's a common misconception that koalas are bears.
Koalas' diets consist mostly of bamboo.
There are 4 chambers to the heart.
Their are 2 heart chambers.
A shark heart has two chambers.
The bird's heart has 4 chambers.
A sheep heart has four chambers.
There are 4 chambers in a bird's heart.
There are four chambers in a human heart.
there are four chambers!
A reindeer, being a mammal, has four heart chambers.
There's 4 heart chambers in a human, which is a mammle
The human heart has four chambers. The atria are the upper chambers, and the ventricles are the lower chambers.
the human heart contains four chambers and it is the ventricles (the two lower chambers) that do the pumping