It is equivalent to the noise of the conversation of a group of 40 or so in a smallish restaurant. Such a level is dangerous for the hearing for more than four hours of exposure: either go outside for a break from time to time or wear earplugs.
A few examples are
Telephone dial tone80dBCity Traffic (inside car)85dBTrain whistle at 500', Truck Traffic90dBSubway train at 200'95dBLevel at which sustained exposure may result in hearing loss90 - 95dBPower mower at 3'107dBSnowmobile, Motorcycle100dBPower saw at 3'110dBSandblasting, Loud Rock Concert115dB
Sound is measured in decibels. Decibels are units used to measure the intensity of sound. The highest decibel alarm clock available is 120 decibels, which can be compared to be as loud as the sound of a fire engine siren.
<p><p> Volume, as in sound volume, is measured in decibels.
The sound pressure of 45 dB is about a quiet library and 50 dB is about an everage home.
Sound is measured in decibels, dB. Ten decibels (one Bel) sounds twice as loud as another sound. One decibel is the amount of sound just distinguishably louder than another sound. Named after A G Bell of telephone fame.
The intensity of sound pressure is measured in decibels. dB. Named after Bell the inventor of the telephone, and founder of the Bell Laboratories. This is a ratio, and is a non-SI unit - an associated or derived unit. One Bel is a sound that sounds twice as loud as another, and equals 10 decibels. Note that as this is named after a person, the 'bel' part is capitalized, e.g. dB.
Aome machines claim to spin at 74 decibels. Is that loud?
Fundamentally, 43 decibels is loud. It is probably enough to annoy neighbors, but anything 85 decibels is enough to hurt hearing.
About as loud as a normal conversation.
109 decibles
listening to loud audio for a long period time can decibels your ears.
yes it is... its almost high enough to make you deaf.........LOL! 8.9 decibels is very, very quiet. It is quieter than a whisper. 70 decibels is loud. 140 decibels is painfully loud.
Cockatoo-134 decibels
104 decibels
It would be about 80 decibels if you were nearby.
57 decibels is about the noise that a high speed toothbrush makes or the low setting on an alarm clock or telephone. It can be loud enough to wake you up.
Sound is measured in decibels. Decibels are units used to measure the intensity of sound. The highest decibel alarm clock available is 120 decibels, which can be compared to be as loud as the sound of a fire engine siren.
Decibels are really more a measure of sound level. 65 decibels would be about the level of normal conversation or laughter.