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Usually about an hour.

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Q: How long to heat up 50 gallon water heater after filling it?
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How long will it take a 40 gallon water heater to heat up?

"One hour for a new water heater" for a NEW one. If its a few years old, Id wait about 2 hours or so. That way it wont get cold while you are in the shower, and it can refill at the same time that it dispenses.

How does a water heater work?

"A water heater stores water in a tank and heats the water with a flame at the bottom. The hot water rises to the top of the tank, while the colder water falls to the bottom near the heat source." A water heater is simply a tank of water with a heat source at the bottom. It can be set to a certain temperature and is dispersed throughout the home through the water infrastructure.

Need to replace hot water lines. Do you need to turn off the hot water heater if you shut off the main water line?

Yes. I would. If you are replacing the hot water lines, it is also a good time to drain the hot water heater and get rid of all the junk at the bottom of the hot water heater. That should be done once a year. Your hot water heater must be off when you do that, your hot water heater should be off when you drain your hot water heater. You will see boiler scale come out of your water heater. Leaving the boiler scale in your water heater makes it less efficient. It makes it harder to heat your water. It is the same as throwing money down the drain. If you want to give your money away, you should give it to the Salvation Army instead of the Utility Company.

Will it hurt your hot water heater to use all the hot water?

Hot water heaters (tank/storage type) have a supply line connected to your city or well water. The heater is either on or off depending on the temperature you set on that device. You will not hurt the system as it is designed to constantly heat the water until the temperature is raised to your set point. So the answer is that it neither hurts or helps you HWH.

How does a kerosene heater heat?

A kerosene heater has a wick made of fiberglass that is connected to a kerosene tank. When the wick is lit, the kerosene keeps the wick burning, and a convection unit in the heater uses the flame to heat the air. In some kerosene heaters, there is a fan to blow the heated air into the room to heat it faster.

Related questions

How much propane is used to heat a 50 gallon water heater from 75 degrees to 105 degrees?

The amount of propane needed to heat a 50 gallon water heater from 75 degrees to 105 degrees would depend on factors such as the efficiency of the water heater, the starting temperature of the water, and the ambient temperature. It is difficult to provide an exact amount without this information.

What are the benefits of upgrading to an 80 gallon heat pump water heater for a residential property?

Upgrading to an 80-gallon heat pump water heater for a residential property can provide benefits such as increased energy efficiency, lower operating costs, and a larger supply of hot water for household use.

How long does it take a 50 gallon gas water heater to heat up?

Around 3 hours

Gas cost to heat one gallon of water?

The cost to heat one gallon of water depends on the efficiency of the water heater, the cost of natural gas, and the temperature increase needed. On average, it can cost around 25-35 cents to heat one gallon of water using natural gas.

What are the benefits of upgrading to a 50 gallon heat pump water heater for residential use?

Upgrading to a 50-gallon heat pump water heater for residential use can provide benefits such as energy efficiency, cost savings on utility bills, longer lifespan compared to traditional water heaters, and environmentally friendly operation.

How long does it take a 50 gallon electric water heater to heat up?

It typically takes about 1-2 hours for a 50-gallon electric water heater to heat up from cold to the desired temperature. However, factors such as incoming water temperature, thermostat setting, and efficiency of the heater can affect the heating time.

How many Kilowatts are use used by the average tank water heater to heat 1 gallon of water from 18 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees?


How many gallons of heating oil does it take to heat one gallon of water?

The amount of heating oil needed to heat one gallon of water varies depending on the efficiency of the heating system. Generally, it can take about 0.03 to 0.05 gallons of heating oil to heat one gallon of water.

How long does it take for a water heater to heat water?

The time it takes for a water heater to heat water can vary depending on the type and size of the heater. On average, it typically takes about 1-2 hours for a water heater to heat up a full tank of water.

How long does a 40 gallon electric heat water heater at 140 degrees take to heat up after restarting with cold water?

depends on the wattage of the elements along with the temp of the cold water but i would guess an hour or two

A 50 gallon electric water heater that uses 2 elements is normally what voltage?

A 50 gallon electric water heater with 2 elements is typically connected to a 240 volt power supply. Each element is designed to run on 240 volts to efficiently heat the water in the tank.

How long does a water heater take to heat up?

The time it takes for a water heater to heat up can vary depending on the size and type of the heater, but typically it takes about 1 to 2 hours for a water heater to heat up a full tank of water.