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Anywhere from a month to a year is how long composting takes. Assuming that proper procedure is followed, the timespan will depend upon the frequency with which layers are turned and the pile thereby is aerated and upon the size and type of compostable materials.

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14y ago

It s at the least a couple weekss at the most a couple months

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Q: How long does composting take?
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How long does it take for composting stuff to brake down?

Depends on what kind of stuff you are composting. It also depends on what method you are using some fast composting methods take 2-3 weeks to produce compost. The temperature/weather has an effect on composting rate too.

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Composting is good as long as you are putting in the right stuff, if you are not then it is bad.

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Composting is the thing of recycling of organic waste. This is the sentence containing composting word.

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Composting is a means of turning organic garbage into?

Dirt. When you put vegetable scraps into a container with holes in it for air, dead leaves, some water, and dirt, (worms are extremely helpful for composting) the scraps break down into moist, airy dirt that is good for gardens or house plants. If you mean to keep composting for a long time, you can buy a composting barrel, that is a barrel on a stand you can spin around easily.

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What is using worms in composting called?

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Does composting effect certain plants?

No. Composting is good for all plants.