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I have a bee trapped inside of a plastic baggie that I previously used to hold tabs of acid in.

It's going on 12 minutes and it's still alive.

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Q: How long can bees last without air?
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Does weather affect bees?

Yes, it affects their ability to forage for nectar. Bees will not leave the hive if the air temperature is below about 14oC (56oF), or if the wind speed is greater than about 12 mph (a bee can only fly at about 15 mph). They also will not fly if it is raining. Long periods of poor weather can seriously affect bees' ability to make honey and, potentially, the survival of the colony.

If you went without air for a few minutes what would happen?

If you went without air for a few minutes you would probably turn a dark red. Then you would turn a blue. After that you would turn purple. If you could hold you breath that long and not pass out before you hit the blue mark.

How would the world be without air?

exactly is the atmosphere if it is not just air

How do you people use air?

People use air for oxygen, without air we would all be dead.

What temperatures can bees live at?

In order to be able to fly a bee's body temperature must be around 35oC. While flying, the large wing muscles can generate sufficient heat to maintain this, but if the air temperature falls below about 14oC the bee is no longer able to produce enough heat to maintain its body temperature. For this reason bees do not leave the hive if the air is too cool. Within the hive, the bees cluster together and the temperature within the cluster will be about 35oC. As the outside temperature drops the bees just cluster more tightly and in this way they can tolerate the low temperatures of winter. In the summer, bees control the temperature in the hive. As the temperature starts to rise they will fan with their wings to circulate air. If it gets really hot, bees will go out and collect water which they spread over surfaces in the hive. The evaporation of this water helps cool the hive. A bee that is getting too hot in flight will regurgitate a droplet of fluid which as it evaporates will cool its head by up to 10oC. Below about 10oC bees become inactive due to the cold, and above about 38oC their activity again slows down. They can tolerate temperatures of 50oC for short periods.

Related questions

How long can you last without air?

'Bout 4 minutes

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They can last longer because they are said to have areas in their body (humps) that can adsorb the water in the air (humidity).

How long can flame last without air?

A flame can last for a few seconds to a few minutes without air, depending on the fuel source and conditions. Eventually, the lack of oxygen will cause the flame to extinguish.

How long can a person live without air?

A person can live minutes without air.

Can bees get in your heating and cooling systems?

yes they can. i recently had to get mine cleaned because of a nest they had built on the top just inside we could not use our central air without getting bees in the house so we just used a window air conditioner over the summer.

Can adult tropical guppy fish last without a air rator if they have a water filter?

Yes, the adult tropical guppy fish can last without an air rator if they have the water filter.

How long does nerve gas last in the air?

Depends on the area of the building you put it in or if its outside it doesnt last long.

How long would an air raid last?

Air Raids could last from just afew hours to a whole night.

How long will eggs last once a hen lays them?

If you prevent the air from passing through the pores in the shell, a long time - maybe over a year. This may be done by greasing them with a film of non-smelly petroleum grease, bees wax, or by immersion in a sodium silicate solution. (waterglass)

In hot weather bees deposit drops of water on their hive then fan their wings vigorously creating couring air currents?

This isn't exactly a question, but what you are describing is one of the ways in which bees control the temperature inside the hive. They knew about air conditioning long before we did.

How long is Avatar the Last Air Bender?

The film is 103 minutes long .

Does bees wax candles clean air?

No, candles that are made from bees wax do not clean the air or purify it in any way. Bees wax candles are popular and are sold in a variety of colors and scents.