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Science requires objective validation, not just words.

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Q: How is science different than religion?
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What makes science different from other disciplines of inquiry like religion and philosophy?

Science relies on empirical evidence and systematic observation to understand the natural world, while religion relies on faith and spiritual beliefs, and philosophy involves critical thinking and reasoning to explore fundamental questions about existence and knowledge. Science aims to test hypotheses through experimentation and verification, while religion and philosophy often rely on personal experiences or abstract reasoning.

Can religion and science work together?

Yes, religion and science can work together. Many people believe that religion and science can complement each other by addressing different aspects of human experience, with science focusing on the material world and religion addressing spiritual and ethical questions. It is important for individuals to respect both perspectives and be open to dialogue and collaboration between the two.

Is science more than powerful than religion?

Sadly, no.

Is it true that there are 80 percent Muslims in china?

No. The predominant religion in China (apart from atheism) is Buddhism; this is quite a different religion than Islam.No. The predominant religion in China (apart from atheism) is Buddhism; this is quite a different religion than Islam.No. The predominant religion in China (apart from atheism) is Buddhism; this is quite a different religion than Islam.No. The predominant religion in China (apart from atheism) is Buddhism; this is quite a different religion than Islam.

Is religion more powerful science?

Religion is not a science.

How are science and religion related?

Science and religion both seek to explain the world around us, but they operate in different ways. Science uses evidence and experimentation to understand the natural world, while religion often involves faith and belief in the supernatural. Some people find that science and religion can complement each other, while others see them as fundamentally incompatible. Ultimately, how they are related depends on individual perspectives and interpretations.

When will people realize that religion is nothing compared to science?

People have different beliefs and values, and what matters most is mutual respect and understanding. Both religion and science offer unique perspectives on life and the world around us, and it is possible for people to appreciate both for their individual contributions. It is important to approach these conversations with an open mind and willingness to learn from each other, rather than trying to prove one perspective as superior to the other.

What has the author R C Wallace written?

R. C. Wallace has written: 'Science and religion' -- subject(s): Religion and science 'Religion, science and the modern world' -- subject(s): Religion and science

Do you believe in Science or Religion?

I don't have personal beliefs. Science and religion offer different perspectives for understanding the world, and individuals may choose to embrace one, both, or neither based on their own beliefs and experiences.

How different is greek religion than your religion?

Greek religions are different than Hebrew because they eat different food and are different cultures. They are the same because they both belive in gods but Hebrews only belive in one god.

Who said 'science without religion is lame religion without science is blind?

; The quote is Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. : Albert Einstein, "Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium", 1941More quotes of Albert Einstein; see link "Quotes Albert Einstein" on left.

How were science and religion linked in ancient times?

God created the world including science, hence science and religion are interconnected.