30 km = 30/1.609344 miles = 18.64 miles (approx.)
18 miles = 28,968.2 metres
~13.7 miles ~11.9 nautical miles
2k (kilometers) is 1.2427 miles.
108 million kilometers is 67108088.7616 miles
002 is 2 and 020 is 20, so 020 is greater.
No... .002 is less than .5 .002 < .5
002 has no fraction. 0.02 is 1/50 0.2 is 1/5
The flight from Connecticut to Sydney, Australia is 20 and a half hours. There is approximately 10, 002 miles between the location.
The flight distance from Atlanta, Georgia to Dakar, Senegal is:4,351 miles / 7 002 km
Yes. by how much
2/1000 = .002 2.779 - .002 = 2.777
603 002 is spelled as "six hundred three thousand two".
To determine which number is larger between 0.002 and 0.003, we look at the digits after the decimal point. In this case, 0.003 is larger than 0.002 because the digit in the thousandths place is greater in 0.003 (3) compared to 0.002 (2). When comparing decimals, we start from the left and move to the right until we find a point of difference, which in this case is the thousandths place.
All presidential vehicles have DC tag "800 002".
Cairo KM 33 Cairo-Suez Road, Patmos- Phone:002 02 29228114 / 002 010 0046 / Fax: 002 02 29228113