both are transparent since you cannot expect efficient lighting when light medium is translucent or opaque. In tubelight it is the fluoroscent coating inside the the tube which produces light and in bulb it is the filament. But finally the light passes through the glass which is transparent in nature
i do not know the answer to that question
Yes, It works very well as a complete sentance.
books are complete works of literature, where as articles are part of those works
a crime lab works during the day and the night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a crime lab works during the day and the night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a crime lab works during the day and the night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vidyut prakasha parikaramu
Tubelight : प्रकाश नलिका prakaash nalikaa
The word for "tubelight" in Sanskrit is "प्रकाशकठी" (prakāśakaṭhī).
A tubelight buzzes because it is filled with an inert gas and some mercury.
Yes, a tubelight is luminous because it emits light when an electric current passes through it.
a tubelight consists of filaments at each of its respective ends. the function of the starter is to develop ionic discharge inside the tube to make the current flow. therefore once the tubelight is switched on and it glows. the function of the startea ceases and thus it can be removed. on removing a starter from the glowing tubelight the tubelight will continue to glow unless switched off. but once switched off the tubelight will require the starter to glow again on being switched on.