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As long as three elephants end to end!

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Q: How far do germs travel when you Cough without covering your mouth?
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Is covering your cough with your arm effective?

Yes, it stops the flow of germs in the air from your mouth.

How many germs are in a cough?

A single cough can release thousands to millions of germs into the air, depending on the person's health and the specific germ causing the cough. These germs can include bacteria or viruses that may be capable of causing illness in others.

How far can a cough travel?

When you cough or sneeze the germs can go very far. Large droplets fall in a few feet but clouds of very tiny droplets float in the air and can float across the room or far enough to become sucked into the ventilation system and distributed to all parts of the house.

How do germs get on you?

you can get germs from anywhere like touching somthing or when you flush the toilet germs spray out and when you cough or sneeze

Why do you put your hands in a fist when you cough?

So that you don't spread germs

What do you do if you cough or sneeze into your hands?

If you accidentally sneeze or cough into your hands, then you should wash your hands immediately to prevent the spread of germs.

Is it impolite to sneeze without covering your mouth?

Droplets will fly out of your mouth everywhere, especially during sneezing.

Can TB spread by sexual intercourse?

No, that's totally wrong because TB means to cough regularly so there are no germs of cough your reproductive parts.

How is a virus spread from place to place and person to person?

germs spread by cough, snezze, snot.

Can germs travel through your spine?

This would be a rare situation, but if germs get into the cerebro-spinal fluid, then they would be able to travel through the spine.

Do germs travel over the phone?

yes they do

How do germs travel?

m,ayebe teemwerk