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Thrust is created most commonly by engines. Air will flow through an engine and then have oil or fuel mix with the air. The mix of air and fuel will exit out the back of the engine, in the opposite directino of flight.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Well lift on the wings of airplanes has to do with the speed of the air. Thrust is created by the engines of a plane so the faster speed the planes going, the faster the air around the wings and the more lift.

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15y ago

well i dont know ! thts y i asked u guys HMPH ! -_-

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10y ago

Yes, thrust is a reaction force. That means when something is pushed quickly, it will cause a force equal to its own, on the opposite side.

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Lift and thrust are necessary for an aircraft to fly. The thrust (from a propeller or a jet) starts it rolling and when enough windspeed is flowing around the wings, it will lift.

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Lift keeps an aircraft up, thrust pushes it forward.

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Lift, weight, thrust and drag.

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How are lift and thrust use in airplane?

Thrust is used to make it roll forward. This forward motion causes lift at the wings.

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A helicopter pilot can increase lift by increasing the pitch angle of the main rotor blades or by increasing the collective pitch angle, which changes the angle of attack for all blades simultaneously. This increases the helicopter's vertical thrust and lift.

What is the relationship of lift drag thrust and weight when the airplane is in straight-and-level flight?

Lift equals weight and thrust equals drag.

Where is the lift in a vertical flight?

there is no lift in vertical flight, it is all thrust.

What is force of lift and thrust?

Lift is the force that acts upwards, perpendicular to the chord of the wing. Thrust is the force acting perpendicular to the propeller disc.