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It all depends on the cut of the carpet. For example, a frieze (short shag)is somewhat curly, and hides spots more efficiently. Berber (looped carpet) actually resists spots and stains, because the tips of the fibers are not open, so it takes much longer for a liquid to soak in. Plush, while the most common carpet seen in apartments and homes, is a cut pile, so it doesn't naturally resist spotting like berber, and all of the strands are the same length, so it doesn't have the camouflage effect like frieze.

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Q: How does the type of carpet you have affect the sevierness of a carpet stain?
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What is the best carpet stain remover?

A solution of equal parts white vinegar and water can be effective on many types of carpet stains. Simply apply the solution to the stain, blot with a clean cloth, and repeat until the stain is gone. For tougher stains, you can also try a commercial carpet stain remover specifically designed for the type of stain you are dealing with.

How can you get a stain out of carpet where the stain will not return?

To remove a stain from carpet and prevent it from returning, start by blotting up as much of the stain as possible. Then, use a carpet cleaner specifically designed for the type of stain. Make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and thoroughly rinse and dry the area to prevent the stain from reappearing.

Which carpet stain remover is more effective?

It depends on the type of stain and the carpet material. Look for a stain remover that is specifically formulated for the type of stain you are dealing with (e.g. pet stains, wine stains). Consider testing a small inconspicuous area of your carpet before applying the stain remover to ensure it does not damage the carpet further.

What is the best type of carpet if you have children?

Resista makes a kid friendly carpet that will hold up to high wear and is virtually stain proof.

How do you clean red stain from carpet?

Really depends on what type of red stain. Cleaning procedures are different for red dye or red wine for example.

What different types of utility knifes are available?

There are a variety of methods for removing stains, each of which depends on the type of stain. It would be best to determine how to remove a stain based on what stained the carpet.

How do you remove a mold stain from carpeting?

Depending on the type of carpet, mix a weak solution (about 5%) of clorine bleach and use a spray bottle and brush it in with a stiff brush. Test it first in an inconspicuous area to see if the fabric will fade. If the carpet is colorsafe you can brush the mixture into the carpet then use a carpet cleaner to pull the mixture back out. That will often pull the mould stain out, depending on the kind of mould.

How do you get stans out of the carpet?

Removing stains from the carpet can be tricky. It all depends on stain contents and fiber type. Most residential carpets are constructed from synthetic fibers making the task a little easier. Here is a link to my webs Spot and Stain Removal guide <a href=>Spots and Stains</a> P.S. U SPELLED STAIN WRONG!!!!

What is terclon carpet made of?

Terclon carpet is made of a blend of triexta and nylon fibers, giving it durability and stain resistance. Triexta is a type of polyester fiber known for its softness, strength, and resilience, while nylon is also used to enhance the carpet's performance.

Does Wheel tread affect the way a robot goes over carpet?

Yes, the type of tread does affect the way it moves over carpet. Other affects the tread could have is speed, traction, exc.

Is removing stains fron a carpet hard?

It would depend on the stain and how fast you can get to it. The faster you attend to a stain, the more likely you'll get it out. Also, each stain requires different stain removal processes... NO CLEANING PRODUCT is effective to ALL TYPES of stains. Example is blood on carpet, you cannot use hot water otherwise you'll be setting the blood into the carpet. Another example is grease stain, you need to use isopropyl alcohol first to remove the oils. Important thing is not to rub the stain as it will just spread the stain. Another Answer: The difficulty in removing stains is subject dependant on the type of stain and how fast you can get to it. The faster you attend to a stain, the more likely you'll get it out. Also, each stain requires different stain removal processes... NO CLEANING PRODUCT is effective for ALL TYPES of stains. For example, if you try to remove a blood stain from carpet, you must use cold water otherwise you'll set the stain. Conversely, if you try to remove grease from carpet, heat is required in the stain removal process but your best to treat the stain first with isopropyl alcohol. The simple rules when removing stains are: 1) Act quickly and remove as much of the excess as you can 2) Blot the stain with a clean white towel or paper cloth until there is no further transfer of the stain to the cloth 3) I recommend finding some professional stain removal instructions from here on. If you can't access any stain removal instructions, then sponge with half a litre of luke warm water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Blot with a clean cloth. Rinse by sponging on clean water and blot again, putting as much weight on the stain as possible for maximum absorption.

What is the best type of commercial carpet available I need something stain resistant.?

Almost all commercial carpets available are stain resistant now, so you just need to choose the best type for your space. Low density carpet is the best for areas with high foot traffic, while woven carpeting is the nicest looking. Most people choose woven carpeting as it is the nicest looking and is also fairly durable.