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Q: How does the scientific process start?
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Thinking and questioning is the start of what scientific process?

The scientific process starts with observation, followed by asking questions and forming hypotheses to explain phenomena. This process then leads to experimentation and data collection, which are used to test hypotheses and draw conclusions.

What is the scientific name for pain?

The scientific term for pain is "nociception," which refers to the neural process of encoding and processing harmful stimuli.

What process do scientist use to think about and explore the natural world?

The scientific process

Physical science how does the scientific process start and end?

The scientific process typically starts with making observations or asking questions about the natural world. Scientists then formulate a hypothesis, which is a testable explanation for the observed phenomenon. This is followed by conducting experiments to test the hypothesis, collecting data, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions. The process ends with communicating the findings through publications or presentations to the scientific community.

What is made at the beginning of the scientific process?

Well, the scientific process starts with an observation or an idea, then a hypothesis "To guess what happens when its putted to the test" which is the next step, and finally if the hypothesis is correct it changes the original theory, if wrong you have to start over :)

Why a hypothesis has to be more than a scientists best answer to a question?

A hypothesis is a general guess as to what a result may be. In general, it is the second step of the "scientific process". In the average "scientific process" you start with a question, form a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, make a conclusion, and report results.

How does the scientific process begin?

i dont know you tell me scientific process begins with Observation and investigation .

What is that Systematic process for answering scientific questions?

A systematic process for answering scientific questions is called

What is the main function i f the scientific process?

The function of the scientific process, also called the scientific method, is to answer questions based on experimentation and evidence.

What process would be initiated by bacon and descartes that would change the process of scientific thinking?

Scientific Method

How does scientific process generally begin?

i dont know you tell me scientific process begins with Observation and investigation .