They draw inferrences or conculution whether the theory is true or false. They validate or disapprove the hypothesis.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Scientist use models
No. The O in disapprove (prove) is a long OO sound, as in move and groove.
you spell disapprove by syllables. this is how it looks like. dis-ap-prove.
The truth Good explanations Recognition.
A prefix for "prove" is "dis-," so you could have words like "disprove" or "disproven."
They draw inferrences or conculution whether the theory is true or false. They validate or disapprove the hypothesis.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Making predictions & then testing them.
Scientist use models
Scientist use models
They draw inferrences or conculution whether the theory is true or false. They validate or disapprove the hypothesis.
1. Experiment 2.hypothesis 3. Checking hypothesis