Pseudoscience is usually identified by the following criteria: # Use of vague, exaggerated or untestable claims # Over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation # Lack of openness to testing by other experts # Absence of progress # Personalization of issues # Use of misleading language If you take Astrology as an example; it qualifies (in spades) under criteria 1, 2 and 4: astrological predictions are classically vague, "negative" results are often ignored, essentially astrology is the same as it was thousands of years ago.
It all boils down to the way the research is carried out. IE if an unsubstantiated claim is the hart of the hypothesis and the reason why it must be assumed is to make the hypothesis work then this is bad science. the "growing earth" is a good example of this circular logic. the hypothesis goes like this the earth must grow so the earth must make new matter and if the earth makes new matter then the earth must grow. now the way to fix this is to test the claim. again in this example there are ways to test both components of this hypothesis, so if you observed the earth growing or showed how it created mater experimentally then it would be real science. in a way pseudo scientists are just being lazy if it's not a scam. TWO WORDS HYPOTHESIS AND THEORY. the first assume to be a fact a theory confirm it as being a fact. Even then it can be proved wrong if throughly investigated Common sense it the guide line if a put a motor boat engine on an iceberg and move to los Angeles as fresh water supply I make a million bucks. .That claim can easily be proven wrong.
science and pseudoscience differ because in science, you can prove everything with mathematics and other proofs. pseudo science is usually an extraordinary claim that cannot be proven. So basically the difference between science and pseudoscience is that everything in science can be proven while nothing in pseudoscience can be proven
Science is base on evidence from repeatable evidence or observation, result must be universal and not limited to the quality of person performing the experiment and most importantly, the hypothesis or theory must be falsifiable. Psedoscience is something that claim itself to be a science but failed to comply with scientific standard, especially in the falsifiability term. Pseudoscience would set up their theory in the manner that, there is no way the error or in consistence of results would due to their theory's failure but the fault of tools or person carrying experiment.
Pseudoscience does not follow the scientific method, lacks evidence or plausibility, and lacks scientific status.Pseudo means false or pretending, that means Pseudoscience is false science/ pretending to be science.
life science, earth science, physical science.
Science requires objective validation, not just words.
Pseudoscience does not follow the scientific method, lacks evidence or plausibility, and lacks scientific status.Pseudo means false or pretending, that means Pseudoscience is false science/ pretending to be science.
Science different fields need mathematics; including algebra; to verify different science theories and explain different science phenomena.
what are the different science procecess and definition
life science is science about different organisms and humans.
Science is all arond you. There is many different types of science.
life science, earth science, physical science.
Different Science Processes Comparing Observing Classifying Predicting Formulating Hypothesis
different types of science like biology , earth science too
Science majors normally focus on a specific science such as biology. Science technologies is a more general major and involves work in many different types of sciences.
Earth Science
the science is about KANTUTAN!!!!