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Ethics in science is using science in a proper manner, not manipulating data and ensuring that scientific results are both useful and correct.

This is an entire branch of its own in human science, and is utilized whenever something gets published in a scientific journal - due to e.g. peer review.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Ethical means doing something wrong or right

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βˆ™ 12y ago

So that it can be easier to investigare science projects

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βˆ™ 10y ago

They don't,

they merely sooth the consciousness of politicians.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

People have changed to Moral

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How do ethics apply to science?

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How ethics apply to science?

Ethics do not apply to science; science is amoral. It is neither good nor bad unless applied by technology. Science is a field that tries to better understand and explain things in nature, while the goal of technology is to make products that address societal needs- which requires moral decisions to be made about how the products will impact society.

Is ethics a branch of science?

Ethics is a branch of philosophy, not a branch of science (although scientists can still strive to be ethical).

What is the difference between ethics and little ethics?

Regular ethics are the science of morals, and morals or little ethics are guidelines of ethics.

What do you understand as a business ethics and why is necessary apply it?

business ethics means tactics applied for more profit we have to apply business ethics to earn more money

What is ethics of science?

Ethics is a branch of philosophy, not a branch of science (although scientists can still strive to be ethical).

Why is ethics a science?

Ethics is usually a discussion in philosophy. However there is the interdisciplinary study of the philosophy of science, which has a branch that deals with ethics in science. Though not often noticed ethics is BEHIND science. Ethics is not science, it is the base of science. All the basics of Western Ethics are 1 to 1 copied to 'science'. The very basic of western ethics is presuming a mind body split. That means that PER DEFINITION reality is seen as sum of immaterial things (metaphysics) and material things (physics). Immaterial things are 'soul', 'mind', 'consciousness', 'understanding'. This assumption when related to 'soul' and 'spirit' is often called 'creationism'. Believing in 'consciousness', 'understanding', .. is not different at all, but now called 'rationalism'

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How is science and ethics different?

Ethics are just like morals-a code of conduct. Science of course is a fact gathering process.

Why ethics is called a practical science?

Ethics is something that has application to real life.

What branches of science is ethics in?


What is accounting ethics?

Accounting ethics is primarily a field of applied ethics, the study of moral values and judgments as they apply to accountancy. It is an example of professional ethics.