"Untrue" is a kinder and more tactful way to say something is a lie, or that something is demonstrably false. "Although some of his opponents believe President Obama was born in Kenya, that is completely untrue."
how to use inexplicable in three sentence's
This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.
If you said "use coincidence in a sentence" you already know how to use it in a sentence and are probably getting examples. if you said" how do you use coincidence in a sentence" you most-likely don't know the definition of it.
This sentence is about nothing.
you just used it in a sentence
The accusation is untrue. An untrue statement is a false statement.
The newspaper was charged with libel after it printed an untrue story.
Her reputation was besmirched by previous coworkers who spread untrue rumors about her.
The sarcastic remark, although untrue, stung because my friends were laughing at me.
Her empty promises were easily seen as mostly untrue.
That is so untrue!
He sued the newspaper for defamation of character.
for example "this jacket is made out of faux fox fur", the word 'faux' means false, untrue, unreal in french Are you faux real?
The priest is $ 4.50 (but dont listne to me because im hust a 5th grader guessing answer and proving how untrue wiki answers can be)
If you negate my answer, you consider it untrue. The root word, nego, means deny, refuse.If you deny or refuse to accept my answer, you consider it untrue!
He claimed that the rumors about his illegitimate child were untrue.
Many politicians believe that demonizing their opponents is an effective campaign strategy. Explain why you will make a good president instead of demonizing your rivals with untrue accusations.